Thursday, September 29, 2005

New Post!!!B

Well, I guess it's time for me to update my blog since the last time I did this was around Chu-Seok. I'll bring you up on somethings that have happend here and some findings I have found.

First thing found out. You cannot escape Redeemer. The Brower family (my mother's side) has had atleast one member as a student there for the past 20 some odd years. A Geherig like streak that ended when my sister graduated this past year (although I have a cousin whose daughter is 2 years away from enrolling and my Uncle is a prof there).
Throughout the years I have done my best to avoid Redeemer, living in hidding for the past 5 years in Grand Rapids and earning a BA. Nothing against Redeemer, but sometimes it has such a far reaching grasp that even the Mafia would be proud of. There is no place you can go in the world and be safe from a Redeemer connection. Why do I mention this? It is because some of the people who read this blog (my sister included) have noticed that there is a nice picture of David VanMinnen, a great guy, who is a Redeemer alumn. He was the teacher I replace, he's still living here in Korea, and I knew he was an alumn, but I did not know so many people would recognize him.

B). I think somehow the fates of Carolyn Kuipers, a highschool friend of mine, and myself are intertwined. We went to the same highschool, then transferred to the same highschool for OAC's, then went to the same college, and now both of us are in Korea. I don't know if she's following me, or I'm following her (in this case it could strongly be argued that I'm following her since she's been in Korea since January. You can check out her blog here ) but from a graduating class of less than 25, the odds of both of us ending up here, unplanned and undiscussed are pretty slim. Speaking of her, I will be heading up to visit her for the weekend. It's our last holliday until the end of December. That'll be a loooong stretch.

III- I think you have already figured this one out. I suck at keeping posted on my blog. I mean, the only one worse at updating their blog than me would probably be The BVO himself, although it may be a close race. Hopefully there won't be any hanging chads there. (Sorry a result of me having lived in the States for too long)

Well I'm almost at the end of my second month here. We've starteded doing phone conversations with our students and let me tell you there is nothing more frustrating than dialing the wrong number and neither parties being able to understand eachother. I just end up saying the same things louder and slower in English. (like that will make them understand better). Also I'm in the second round of writing reports. I've found I just get in a groove and basically write the same thing for each kid, just changing the name and the he/she noun.

Well, look for another update in like a week or six.

(listening to Punk Goes Acoustic album. Available for download using Bit Comet)

Monday, September 19, 2005

Happy Chu-Seok Everyone! Chu-Seok is like the Korean's version of thanksgiving. And as a present, our director gave everyone a case like this. Yes, that is six cans of SPAM that I now own :) Posted by Picasa

Sunday, September 11, 2005

My fellow Wey-gook (foreign) teachers Posted by Picasa

My Fellow Korean Teachers Posted by Picasa

Pimpin' it up with my fellow teachers! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, September 03, 2005

The Answerman

In honour of my brother starting his own blog, here is a nice comic I found. Be sure to visit his site here Posted by Picasa

Friday, September 02, 2005

Google Talk

Google Talk is a new and wonderful thing. With Google Talk I have been able to talk with my sister in Japan and my brother back in Canada. Tonight (this morning for those in Canada) he called me up and put my neice and nephew on. This was the first time I had talked to them in over a month.

Google Talk rocks. For any of you that want an invite to Google talk so you can talk with me, drop me an e-mail at You'll need a gmail account, but I can hook you up with that too.

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