Monday, August 21, 2006

I'm a travellin' man

Well, it's about time for a new post. I think it's been probably over a good month since I've posted last. I'm back in Canada nowadays. My last 3 weeks in Korea were very hectic. Trying to make sure I spent time with all my friends, saying goodbye to people who have been a big part of my life over the past year there and trying to make sure that I've had everything packed. Then, after about 30 hrs of travelling I arrived home and spent time visiting family, then jetlag finally hit about 4 days after arriving at home and on my first friday back I ended up spending a good 19 hrs in bed sleeping.

Then, a week later (i.e. last friday) I went out and spent the weekend with my brother and his wife and kids, then set out on the Monday to drive out to Calgary to visit Manuel. I spent 2 14 hr days and one 8 hr day driving before I finally made it out there. We've ended up going golfing (where I broke my driver into 3 peices on one swing) going to Banff, Lake Louise, and Lake Moraine, and going to see the Stampede grounds and the Saddle dome.

Below are some pictures I've taken. Tomorrow, I head out to Wisconsin to visit another friend from college. That means 25 more hours of driving.... YEAY :}

Lake MoraineLake Louise:
Prarie life in Saskatchewan

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