Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Fun Lesson teaching ESL

Last night at Fridays we also were talking about the funniest lesson titles we had to teach. So without further ado, here's the top 3 lessons.

3. Joe Smokes at Home (must be Canadian medicare)
2. She Drinks in the Morning (No matter where you are, it's after 12pm somewhere in the world)

And the number one title is.....

These Are My Balls! With material in the lesson "He has red balls". "I have blue balls" "They have purple and black balls".

It's never a dull day teaching ESL

TGI Fridays

On Valentines day us foreing teachers decided that we should unanimously get together and celebrate.... Our love of Western food with a trip to the newly opened TGI Fridays in Jeonju. It was a great evening that included my appetizer arriving after I had halfway finished my main course and this great exchange between two teachers:

Josh (Head foreign teacher): Kelly, has anyone ever told you that you look like a young Jamie Lee Curtis? (meaning this as a compliment)

Kelly (Newly arrived from Ireland): Don't a lot of people consider her to have very mannish features? (completely missing the compliment

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Victorious after a game of Chess!

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