Sunday, December 23, 2007

Band Night for Charity

So last Friday, the 15th, some of us in Jeonju decided to put together some live music in our favourite bar. My band "Unrequited Love & The Restraining Order" had been practicing at least once a week and some times twice a week and we were itching to get out there and play. We had 3 bands play and all the money we raised went towards the local orphanages (about a total of $500 was raised in that one night).

I really wish I could tell you just exactly what went down that night, but I was still trying to overcome a bad case of food poisoning that struck me naught two days before the performance and I was still a bit out of it. One of the reasons why I haven't posted earlier is because I was waiting for some videos of us to show up.

I've also got a link to my web-album where some pictures of the night have been posted. Enjoy these videos and have a Merry Christmas!

(You can find the pictures here)


At 8:35 AM, Blogger Eric and Marya said...

Hey! My brother's a rock star!!! I recognize that second song - My Baby wrote me a letter....that "Solid Gold" tape from the gas station when we were little! Sounds great Dave!! And great to see what you are up to!

At 8:58 AM, Blogger Eric and Marya said...

As your brother-in-law (and future agent??) I think you need more stage presence ... and food poisoning is no excuse!!!

Tell Dave VanMinnen that he could easily pass as a stunt double for his brother Dan. Scary how much they look alike!!

Good to hear from you and MERRY CHRISTMAS.


At 6:33 AM, Blogger Dave said...

Man, I do remember listening to that solid gold album... I think everyone has. I mentioned it to David as well and he remembered listening to it when he was younger as well.

And as for stage presence... I guess I got to work on it. To be fair, it was my first live performance with the guitar. I figure I'll wait until next time to break out the live bat and lighting the guitar on fire ;)


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